Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A burning desire...

On Sunday it was my turn to work as brewer at church. The Crossing has a really nice Cafe that we use to brew coffee and other espresso drinks each Sunday and during other events. I rode my bike there that morning (saw a beautiful indigo bunting on the MKT!) but everything just felt 'off' that morning. I had problems getting air into my tire and then was late as I took a 'shortcut' that was NO shortcut (huge gnarly hill!) and got there and had to get brewing. I brewed the wrong coffee in one pot but then things calmed down and seemed OK.

Around 10:00 AM I was grinding some beans and realized the grinder had been set and left on the 'espresso' setting rather than 'drip' which makes the grounds too fine for our industrial size brewers. I reset it and about then one of the brewers overflowed and I went over to shut it off. Grounds and coffee had overflowed behind the machine and without thinking--I was worried about the machine getting damaged--I pulled the brew basket out. Hot water and coffee flowed over my right hand and I yelped and dropped the brew basket on the floor.

Two women, who were talking over near the book area, came right over and started to help clean up. This really surprised me because it meant getting down on the floor and cleaning up coffee grounds, etc. I had put my hand under cool running water but I could see the skin shriveling up and that was when I knew something was really wrong. One of the women was a nurse and she came to check me out and told me she thought I had better get to the doctor soon. I told her I was on my bike and could not get to the doctor quickly. She told me she would take me and to make a long story short, she drove me to the ER where she used to work, and then sat with me for 2 hours as I was treated. She made sure I received excellent care and was as kind and patient as they come. She took me out afterwards to get pain meds and food, then dropped me off at home. Two hours later she brought my bicycle to me! I still get teary-eyed thinking about her kindness--and the kindness of God for putting her there.

I have never had a burn this severe. The burn unit removed the damaged skin and put a dressing called DuoDerm on it and a glove (no Michael jackson jokes please!) and I can type slowly. In about two weeks the new skin should have grown back and I can quit wearing this glove. I am thankful though for all the kindness and help I have had. God is good.

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